Friday, February 17, 2012

See If Anybody Salutes

Okay, so I just happened to be on here and found out that people are actually reading my blog.  How cool.  So, I can't let my public down right?  So, here is the deal.  I have decided to post more of my Triple Comics and see if people come and read.  It's the whole flag up the flag pole...see if anyone salutes mentality.  

This are comics that I did ages ago, before I gave up on the whole idea of being a comic writer.  I had that dream deferred so many times, not only did and dry up like a raisin in the sun, but that bastard exploded!  Thank you, Langston Hughes.  So, my new plan is to stop waiting for others to for fill my damn dream.  It's my dream.  I dreamt it, I need to make it come true my damn self.  So, earlier this week, while I was waiting for my new Corel Painter Software to come, I scanned a whole butt load of my comics onto my computer.  The idea was to revamp them, using my Corel Painter and Wacom tablet.  I figured it was not only be good practice with both systems, but I could refined them, bound them and sale the books my damn self, via ForgedWorks Studio.  

Who knows if it will happen, but all I can do is try.  I'm a cheap bastard, but I'm not afraid to believe in myself, or am I.  

Life's short.  Color outside the lines, but be neat about it.


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