Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ho, Ho, Mom

Okay, People, since it is Christmas time I am going to share with you my very favorite Christmas joke. It is my favorite Christmas joke because I made it up myself. You are free to share it, just make sure you tell people where you got it from. This joke is copywrited, damnit!

It was the night before Christmas when Little Jimmy Thompson came bursting into his older brother Joe’s, bedroom.
“Joe! Joe!” Little Jimmy yells, out of breath. “I just saw mommy kissing Santa Claus under the mistletoe! Let’s go tell dad!
“Jimmy,” Joe says, “That’s not Santa. That is dad, dressed as Santa. You big dummy.”
“No, no,” Little Jimmy persist. “The guy mommy is kissing has a big white beard and mustache. Daddy doesn’t have a beard and mustache.”
“I know that, dummy.” Joe responds. “Of course daddy doesn’t have a white beard and mustache. That’s part of his costume, to make him look like Santa. Duh!”
Little Jimmy ponders this for a second and then says; “But, Joe, this guy was fat with a big fat belly, like a bowl full of jelly. Dad’s not fat.”
“I know dad’s not fat,” Joe says, obviously exasperated with is silly kid brother. “That’s just padding. Probably a pillow or something to make him look fat so he can look like Santa Claus. Now will you get out of here so I can finish playing my game?”
Satisfied with his big brother’s explanation of the events little Jimmy turns to leave his brother’s bedroom. As he is about to head out the door he turns and says; “But, Joe…Dad’s not white.”

HO. HO. HO. You know that’s funny. I love that joke and I made it up myself.


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家出 said...


ジャパンカップダート 2010 said...

第11回 ジャパンカップダート 2010 予想 データから分かる勝ち馬とは!?オッズと出走馬から分かる勝ち馬の法則とは・・・現地スタッフから生の声を届けます。データ収集、さらに血統に関しても徹底して分析済み!馬券歴の長い人でも納得の情報がココに

デコログ said...


デコログ said...


彼女探し said...


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