Friday, October 12, 2007

The Expert

Don't you love how everyone is an expert on something, or better yet...thinks they are an expert on everything. We all have them in our lives. You say something to them and they know everything there is to know about it. I can't be very annoying. Oh how wonderful it is to put those people in their place every once and a while.


Soldier said...

How frustrating it is to try to put furniture together when you do it with someone who considers himself an expert and doesnt want to take a look at the instructions, nor sit down and let you do it by yourself....
Thank god human beings have some kinda control over their emotions because that RUSH of disgust when he messes up the dining table and tries to create excuses....mmmm..... lol

Dayne Avery said...

Have you ever thought of putting together a book of your work if you haven't already?

Unknown said...

In answer to your question, dayne...Yes, yes I have thought about putting my work together in a book...Of course that thought came along with my comics having a following of faithful readers who couldn't wait for the book to come out. Maybe, after my blog is out for a while, I can learn more about doing my own book. I'll follow Tyler Perry's example and do everything on my own.

Saidly, Soldier, I too am one of those people who doesn't like to look at the instruction and thinks I can do it by just looking at the pictures. Hell, that's how I learned to have sex. LOL

Ann(ie) said...

Know it all's get on my last nerve. AMEN!!