Friday, October 5, 2007

The Facts of Life.

The next few comics were an after thought. When I originally thought of this story, where Quincy finds out that his mother is pregnant, the saga ended once his dad came home. In the process of making it I decided that that conclusion was to abrupt and that there should be a discussion between the parents on whether or not Quincy should be told the facts of life. (The next group of comics are kind of corny, but they bring the story to an end. Oh, and sorry, it will still be a while before we get back to the @home story line. Sorry.)


Jdid said...

this is pretty cool

Ann(ie) said...

Hi There,
Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm so glad you did! My husband and I were looking at your site and we both think you're very talented!!! I'll be needing to add you to my faves...just how I ask?

Happy Weekend,