Thursday, October 11, 2007

I Tat I Taw A Puddy Dat

More Quincy and Trina.

Remember the last post where I explained to you about all of the cartoon characters that live inside my head and the comic strips I’ve created with them? Well, I was looking for the one call Dillard, which was based on my life growing up, but low and behold I was not able to find it or any of the others. Don’t worry. I’m quite sure that they are around here somewhere; it’s just that I am cleaning my house-which means I won’t be able to find jack for a while.

Anyway, I bring to you the tell of the stray cat. I showed the first strip in this series in one of my previous intermission post. Enjoy.

1 comment:

That Dude Right There said...

The last time I tried to hug a cat, the little bugger scratched the hell out of me. But I still want one when I get old.