The story of young, married couple Solomon and Morgan Jacobs as they try to build a life @Home.
Goody? You are right, women say alot of things as if its been madated from the heavens.
yeah, i think i read that somewhere too.these are great! can't wait to see more.and thanks for the comment!
The comment was true. Your art is great, Steve. I like your style.....
Talking to Husband: Well don't believe everything you read. I have two boys and they both knew where babies came from at 4-5...LOL Why do men think it is always the moms duty
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Goody? You are right, women say alot of things as if its been madated from the heavens.
yeah, i think i read that somewhere too.
these are great! can't wait to see more.
and thanks for the comment!
The comment was true. Your art is great, Steve. I like your style.....
Talking to Husband: Well don't believe everything you read. I have two boys and they both knew where babies came from at 4-5...LOL Why do men think it is always the moms duty
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