Sunday, September 9, 2007

Intermission (Cop Out)

I have tried so many takes on comic strips, in my bid to become syndicated, that it is sad. So many characters live inside of me that I am afraid that they will die there. What a lost that would be.

This particular comic was developed for our Police Newsletter, when I was a mere rookie. It was titled "Cop Out" (I kind of like the title "A Side of Bacon" now) and it was a loose chronicle of my life as a rookie on the force. It was very short lived because the Command staff began to try to censor my creativity, because they didn't believe that the comic should poke fun at some of the more serious issues going on in the Department. Huh? Are you kidding me? That's the whole point of the damn strip to begin with. Anyway, I refined the strip and sent it off to a syndicated in an attempt for syndication. Once again, REJECTION CITY! Makes me wanna cry.

What does a brother gotta do to get syndicated? Create a blog and post his work on it in a feeble attempt to get some attention? How pathetic would that be?

Anyway, I sorted through my stash of rejects and found this comic and posted it in a loose response to a posting by a young man name Dayne, the author of a blog entitled, dayne online (, who posed the question of would you ever hit a woman? Someone should ask that question to the good Bishop Weeks. (LOL. That was totally uncalled for.)


yet another black guy said...

okay, that's definitely the type of broad that should be at least shaken. :)

Dayne Avery said...


I definately feel your struggle. But like I said before you are a great talent. One day "it" is gonna come.