Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Pains.

Okay, what I don't know about childbirth and pregnancy can fill a book and ironically a blog full of comics. Anyway, say what you want about television, a lot about what I know about pregnancy and the crap that women have to go through during it was learned from watch a multitude of television shows.
This comic shows Morgan and Solomon Jacobs at the doctor's office because Morgan is suffering from Branston Hicks Contractions. Now it is my understanding that this is the name of the false contractions that a woman might experience during pregnancy. If I am incorrect please feel free to correct me. I never claimed to be a doctor (see the disclaiming paragraph above).
It is a somewhat known fact that men sometime experience sympathy pains when their wives go through pregnancy....I wonder what these contractions are called. If they have not been given a name I would like to take this time to label them Jacobs' Jolts. How fitting that they be named about Solomon, after all, the doctor did say his pains were real.

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